Accounting – Client Ledger – Remaining invoice balance write-off (or on)

Modified on Mon, 05 Dec 2022 at 06:02 PM

Accessing Accounting

Acturis has the ability to write off a remaining balance using the Adjust function in the Accounting module.  To access this, click on the Accounting tab and select the relevant Accounting Entity if prompted.

The screen will open as shown below with the user in the Client Ledger


Finding the Client

To start the write off process, select Active Accounts in the middle column.  This will load all clients that have an open invoice or credit note.  If there are more than 50 Active Accounts, click the All button load them into the screen.

Select the relevant client by either scrolling down the list or using the text filter option. Open the client into the tree.


Create the Allocation

Once the client is open, go to the Open Items screen under Linked Items. Select the Invoice you are looking to Settle and click Options at the bottom of the screen followed by Add Allocation.

Create the Allocation

Enter the Allocation Date and Description if needed.

Click Save.

Adjust the invoice

This will open the Allocation in the tree. Go to the Allocation Details screen.

Select the Client Invoice row and click Options, Fully Adjust at the bottom of the screen.

Adjust the invoice

The Reconciliation Status and Adjustment Amount column will update to reflect.



Adjust the invoice

Hit Save, Complete Allocation and then confirm completion and posting in the pop-ups.



Once posted, the client balance should be 0 and the item will no longer be in the Open Items list.  

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