Accounting - Third Party Item Reconciliation

Modified on Sun, 08 Oct 2023 at 09:44 PM

The intended process for real Third Party items is to reconcile them once the Insurer confirms to you that the Third Party has been paid. It is not an invoice, and so nothing is being duplicated as such, but rather they just provide a record of the movement of funds. 

If these were not intended they can all be marked as reconciled and the insurer account Configuration can be amended to prevent future occurrences (which we can do for you).

How to Reconcile

You will have seen the items on your Insurer Ledger like this:

Open that page

Select an insurer. Then 'Third Party Items'

You can then select rows and hit 'Reconcile'. This will reconcile any items that have been confirmed paid to the Third Party, or any items created here by mistake. 

Why it Happens

The Third Party items in Accounting are generated from the answers to these questions (namely when they are answered Yes and No respectively as we have here):



The answers to these two question should be configured at an insurer account level in the Configuration module, with most accounts being No and Yes respectively and so no Third Party item is generated. 

If they are not answered in your Configuration module, this results in the user having to answer them on the second Accept Wizard screen, and they do not necessarily know the correct answers. 

This report shows which active insurer accounts will need amending if you want to correct Configuration:


You can update these altogether using “Configuration – Insurer Account Update” in the Automation module. 

Voiding an Associated Payment

If you need to void a payment that contained Third Party Items. You will need to locate those on the Third Party Items menu for that insurer and 'Unreconcile' these before you can void the payment. 

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