CMA Report

Modified on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 at 10:11 AM


Annually, brokers are required to submit PMI/CMA reports demonstrating the impact of NCB on their business portfolio. The Regulation Module can help produce the statistics needed.


Access the Regulation Module via the menu drop-down; if you don't have access to the Regulation Module, you will need to contact OpenGI to get this set up on your instance.

Inside the regulation module, access the CMA report program.

The program will ask several different queries; as below.

You may leave the values of Product Line and Insurer blank; as this will then produce a report covering all insurers and product lines. Brokers operating in Northern Ireland may wish to change the country to filter NI results from the rest of the UK.
It is recommended, if available, to set "Produce Export File" to Yes, if available. This will allow printing the results via ReportNet, which can then be manipulated via Excel.

Once the information is filled in, simply press OK and print the information via the usual OGI printing workflow.

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